I'm currently running an OpenMediaVault NAS on my network. It contains well over 5tb of data on it. My goal is to have some of those drives mounted based on group membership on zentyal, when a user logs in, similar to how their home directory is mounted. I was attempting to complete this by mounting the cifs drives to my zentyal filesystem. I was able to successfully mount them but when I go to create the share on Zentyal, I get the following error:
The mount point '/media/video' must be mounted with 'acl' option. This is required for permissions to work properly.
I've tried using the 'acl' and the 'user_xattr' options in my mount command. I never get an error when mounting, and I'm able to browse through the mounted point so I know it's mounting. Does anyone have any idea how I can satisfy Zentyal when mounting this point so that I can create the shares?
Secondly, is this even possible -- to create those file shares within the zentyal web gui and have them mounted based on group memberships?