I had Zentyal 5.0.10 deployed with DHCP, DNS and Domain Controller.
I configured fixed Hosts on the DHCP module with dynamic registration on the DNS part, static DNS entries on the DNS module and
the Domain Controller ist deactivated.- In this scenario Zentyal created within Bind the correct forward and reverse zone under /var/lib/bind/ ...
- Name resolution was working (via nslookup checked)
When I enable the Domain Controller the DNS resolution (forward) was ONLY working for registered WIN machines
- Zentyal created only the BIND link AND the reverse zone (under /var/lib/bind)
- The forward zone isn't created under /etc/bind/named.conf.local nor /var/lib/bind
It seems there is a bug in the "*.mas" file and the zone file creation procedure
According this procedure
https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/BIND9_DLZ_DNS_Back_End the Samba Bind9 Backend Link is only add to named conf and
no replacement of the domain zone.
Does somebody have the same issue?