Author Topic: Local DNS server not local resolver  (Read 1543 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Local DNS server not local resolver
« on: May 23, 2017, 04:36:09 pm »
Zentyal 5.0.8


the tab Network > DNS says "The Zentyal DNS module is installed and enabled, so only the local DNS server will be used to resolve the queries. [...]". That used to work until Zentyal 5.

Unfortunately with Zentyal 5 the local DNS server is NOT the local resolver - as I can see in resolv.conf - but the DNS servers received via DHCP (DHCP is enabled for the external interface).

In short: Zentyal doesn't overwrite the DNS servers received via DHCP with when the DNS module is enabled.


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Local DNS server not local resolver
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2017, 10:22:00 pm »
To be honest I'm struggling to understand what you mean but it sounds like either:
* You have not checked "Enable transparent DNS cache" right at the top of the DNS page
* You haven't added any forwarders. I mean I guess you don't have to, but that's kind of what people do. I would recommend OpenNIC as they're actually trustworthy.
* You've messed up your settings on the WAN interface. You say that DHCP is enabled on that interface - you should only be using that option if you're plugging directly into an ISP-provided outlet. If you're plugging into a router then just set it up statically and save yourself a load of grief.
* You've messed up your DHCP options on the LAN side. Go to DHCP > Primary Nameserver and set it to "Zentyal DNS". points at the local machine and so you definitely don't wont your clients trying to resolve against themselves.