Author Topic: How to enable VETO FILES in Zentyal 3.4 Server  (Read 1454 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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How to enable VETO FILES in Zentyal 3.4 Server
« on: August 08, 2017, 03:53:02 am »
Hy everybody,
How to enable VETO FILES option in zentyal 3.4? Because I want to limit the files to be uploaded to the zentyal 3.4 server so that the files stored on the server are actually work related files (.xls, .doc, and .pdf).

I tried to add to /etc/samba/smb.conf as below:
################################################## #######
veto files = /*.mp3/*.mp4/*.3gp/*.avi/*.mkv/*.flv/*.exe/*.bat/*.ini/

#file sharing
veto files = /*.mp3/*.mp4/*.3gp/*.avi/*.mkv/*.flv/*.exe/*.bat/*.ini/
################################################## #######

But still can not, but I have restarted samba service.

If I restart the zentyal server, the script is gone, does anyone know why it can happen?

Please help, thank you