Author Topic: data backup  (Read 1311 times)


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data backup
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:25:44 pm »
I have been using zentyal for several years for my private local server. After some problems and uncautious actions by myself I lost some data (emails). Unfortunately I was also very lazy about backup, so it has been gone. Now I did a fresh install with 3.5.5.
I would like to improve backup now. My question is: There is a backup module in zentyal. It works on files and folders, which I have to specify (include or exclude). So far very good. But what about a data base like mysql? Do we need special care about it? I considered using automysqlbackup. Or is it good enough just to include the apropriate mysql data folders in backup? Which folders hold the database? What would you recommend as backup and recover strategy for mysql?

thanks, Gerd