Author Topic: Network trust  (Read 1369 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Network trust
« on: April 17, 2017, 11:28:37 am »
Hi all,

I'am Zentyal newbie, I have chosen to test It because it looks like as PaloAlto appliance (objects oriented).

I have 3 network cards:

First one, Internet connexion
Second one, Wifi
Third one, LAN

I would like to trust Wifi and LAN on MAC access based.

I have already test to create objects for both networks.
Trust them in "Filtering rules for internal networks" section, with any to any first but, without success.

Is somebody can explain to me what is wrong ?

Many thanks.



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Re: Network trust
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2017, 01:29:30 am »
It might be as simple as turning everything off and then back on.  Try restarting everything and see if it works.
It's also potentially that you're putting the trust in the wrong section of the firewall, that may sound stupid but there are 4 potential areas you may need to apply the trust to.
Also, did you label any of your NIC cards as "external" in your setup?  If so then you just need to go configure your external firewall settings under Packet Filter to allow the traffic you're trying to achieve.
If you're trying to make Znetyal into a router you'd be best served by moving to something like Monowall or a router based Linux distro though, Zentyal isnt' really a wi-fi router kind of software.
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