Hi there,
I stumbled over an old problem on a old Zentyal machine. It seams like there are serval problems with the LDAP:
- In the "User and Computers" and "Mange" I can't see anymore the setup of Users nor change anything there (s. post)
- If I try to add a new user I get the message:
An internal error has occurred. This is most probably a bug, relevant information can be found in the logs. Please look for the details in the /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log file and take a minute to submit a bug report so we can fix the issue as soon as possible.
- The two LDAP (Port 390 and Port 389) seams not synchronized, or is that okay?
there is no Users on the LDAP with the Port 390?
If I try to access via "dsa.msc" to the active directory it returns:
Active Directory server is not functional
I had to deactivat IPv6 as it did't resolve the domain correct.
Everything seams a little strange, any idea where to start digging?