I was happy to see the mailfilter module return, but unfortunately I can't use it. The reason is I need the X-Spam flags included on all messages passed through and I can't seem to get that to work with the new mailfilter module. The X-Virus-Scanned header shows up but no amavis configuration changes seem to make the smap headers show up. I've spent enough hours on this so it's time to punt. I have been able to get it to work with Zentyal 5.0 if I install and configure everything by hand, so I guess that is what I am going to do.
In case you are wondering, I need the flag so I can divert any questionable emails to a separate mail folder so that users can review then. Emails in that folder are automatically deleted after a month. I also have spamassassin learn spam from that folder, so users place any spam not flagged as spam there and it is learned as spam.