I think i found a temporary solution without fix host file on windows.
I had the same problem (still have) with IPSec and OpenVPN.
I have zentyal 3.5 by the way.
Well let's get started.
Go to:
Infraestructure > DNS
Go to section Domains
In this part we ought to have a row with the name of our domain name for example I have mycompany.lan
Click on Hostnames
Then Add a new hostname.
The name must be different to your own Hostname.
Click ADD.
We will see a new row.
Now click on IP ADDRESS and we add it.
Click back and then click on Alias.
This is the quite important step: We need to add the real name of the Hostname here. Click add.
And thats all, if you need to add more hostnames, follow the same steps.
Don't forget Save Changes when you finish.