Author Topic: Zentyal 4.0 Squid Stop  (Read 2889 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
  • *
  • Posts: 20
  • Karma: +1/-0
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Zentyal 4.0 Squid Stop
« on: June 01, 2016, 11:12:19 pm »
Squid proxy stop. I included the log, perhaps someone has seen these lines?

Code: [Select]
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: All 10/10 negotiateauthenticator processes are busy.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: 10 pending requests queued
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: Consider increasing the number of negotiateauthenticator processes in your config file.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User srossi@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Closing HTTP port
2016/06/01 17:25:08| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2016/06/01 17:25:08|   Finished.  Wrote 0 entries.
2016/06/01 17:25:08|   Took 0.00 seconds (  0.00 entries/sec).
FATAL: Too many queued negotiateauthenticator requests
Squid Cache (Version 3.3.8): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.082 seconds = 0.050 user + 0.032 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 86704 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
total space in arena:    5984 KB
Ordinary blocks:         5853 KB      2 blks
Small blocks:               0 KB      1 blks
Holding blocks:         36892 KB      8 blks
Free Small blocks:          0 KB
Free Ordinary blocks:     131 KB
Total in use:           42745 KB 714%
Total free:               131 KB 2%
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting Squid Cache version 3.3.8 for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Process ID 30091
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Process Roles: master worker
2016/06/01 17:25:08| With 65536 file descriptors available
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Initializing IP Cache...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| DNS Socket created at [::], FD 5
2016/06/01 17:25:08| DNS Socket created at, FD 6
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Adding domain vct.lan from /etc/resolv.conf
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperStatefulOpenServers: No 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes needed.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/5 'ext_ldap_group_acl' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User srossi@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:08| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User srossi@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:08| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User srossi@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:08| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User srossi@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Logfile: opening log /var/log/squid3/access.log
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: log parameters now start with a module name. Use 'stdio:/var/log/squid3/access.log'
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Logfile: opening log /var/log/squid3/store.log
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: log parameters now start with a module name. Use 'stdio:/var/log/squid3/store.log'
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Swap maxSize 0 + 262144 KB, estimated 20164 objects
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Target number of buckets: 1008
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Using 8192 Store buckets
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Max Swap size: 0 KB
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Using Least Load store dir selection
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid3
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Loaded Icons.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| HTCP Disabled.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 20 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2016/06/01 17:25:08| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 21 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2016/06/01 17:25:08| ERROR: Failed to create helper child read FD: UDP[::1]
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Configuring Parent
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Squid plugin modules loaded: 0
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Adaptation support is off.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at local= remote=[::] FD 19 flags=9
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: All 10/10 negotiateauthenticator processes are busy.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: 10 pending requests queued
2016/06/01 17:25:08| WARNING: Consider increasing the number of negotiateauthenticator processes in your config file.
2016/06/01 17:25:08| Closing HTTP port
2016/06/01 17:25:08| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2016/06/01 17:25:08|   Finished.  Wrote 0 entries.
2016/06/01 17:25:08|   Took 0.00 seconds (  0.00 entries/sec).
FATAL: Too many queued negotiateauthenticator requests
Squid Cache (Version 3.3.8): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.075 seconds = 0.036 user + 0.039 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 87440 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
total space in arena:    6260 KB
Ordinary blocks:         6199 KB     44 blks
Small blocks:               0 KB      1 blks
Holding blocks:         36892 KB      8 blks
Free Small blocks:          0 KB
Free Ordinary blocks:      60 KB
Total in use:           43091 KB 688%
Total free:                60 KB 1%
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting Squid Cache version 3.3.8 for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Process ID 30117
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Process Roles: master worker
2016/06/01 17:25:09| With 65536 file descriptors available
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Initializing IP Cache...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| DNS Socket created at [::], FD 5
2016/06/01 17:25:09| DNS Socket created at, FD 6
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Adding domain vct.lan from /etc/resolv.conf
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperStatefulOpenServers: No 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes needed.
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/5 'ext_ldap_group_acl' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Logfile: opening log /var/log/squid3/access.log
2016/06/01 17:25:09| WARNING: log parameters now start with a module name. Use 'stdio:/var/log/squid3/access.log'
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Logfile: opening log /var/log/squid3/store.log
2016/06/01 17:25:09| WARNING: log parameters now start with a module name. Use 'stdio:/var/log/squid3/store.log'
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Swap maxSize 0 + 262144 KB, estimated 20164 objects
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Target number of buckets: 1008
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Using 8192 Store buckets
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Max Swap size: 0 KB
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Using Least Load store dir selection
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid3
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Loaded Icons.
2016/06/01 17:25:09| HTCP Disabled.
2016/06/01 17:25:09| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 20 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2016/06/01 17:25:09| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 21 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2016/06/01 17:25:09| ERROR: Failed to create helper child read FD: UDP[::1]
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Configuring Parent
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Squid plugin modules loaded: 0
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Adaptation support is off.
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at local= remote=[::] FD 19 flags=9
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User asaleh@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:09| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User asaleh@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:09| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User asaleh@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:09| negotiate_kerberos_auth: INFO: User mgayoso@VCT.LAN authenticated
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| Starting new negotiateauthenticator helpers...
2016/06/01 17:25:09| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/10 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
2016/06/01 17:25:09| WARNING: All 10/10 negotiateauthenticator processes are busy.
2016/06/01 17:25:09| WARNING: 10 pending requests queued
2016/06/01 17:25:09| WARNING: Consider increasing the number of negotiateauthenticator processes in your config file.

I see by "saint google" increasing the kerberos helpers to 25 and the ntml helpers to 40 but I don't know rewrite template on zentyal server.



  • Zen Apprentice
  • *
  • Posts: 20
  • Karma: +1/-0
    • View Profile
Re: Zentyal 4.0 Squid Stop [SOLVED]
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 08:42:12 pm »

I find template on zentyal bastion host

sudo vim /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/squid/squid.conf.mas

I change auth_param negotiate children 25 (by default 10)

 :D :D