Today i remove a "TestDC" from my Domain. On a Windows7 with RSAT I have removed all entries of this server. If i connect me with the DNS of Zentyal (4.0.10) then no entry of this "old" server is shown.
But my errorlog show me: "dns child failed to find name '79b21a2f-a284-477b-81c9-b8a564289b0a._msdcs.xxxx.lan' of type A"
I try to remove them with " samba-tool dns delete UCS100030.lxxxxx.lan _msdcs.xxxxx.lan A -Uadmin" but the result is "ERROR: Record does not exist"
How can I remove the orphan entry? How can I do a DNS Cache Update? Or what is the problem?
BTW: I didn´t know the used IP of the DC anymore. I have them delete from with RSAT so I cannot see what I use