Author Topic: cant get autodiscover to work (case sensitive url)  (Read 2461 times)


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cant get autodiscover to work (case sensitive url)
« on: February 27, 2016, 01:40:02 pm »
I can't get the autodiscover function to get to work. My SSL certificates are in order, but it seems to get stuck on the upper/lowercase (a/A) stuff of the url. I understand the Zentyal autodiscover files somehow only work when the url has a lowercase a in them. So

https://domain.tld/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml gives the xml file with the 600 error that I should get, but https://domain.tld/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml gives some sort of error file.

Everything shows up green in except for when it tries to pull up the autodiscover.xml file.

I tried to follow this post to make a directory Autodiscover and redirect with htaccess

Code: [Select]
mkdir /var/www/html/Autodiscover
echo "RedirectMatch 302 (?i)^/Autodiscover/(.*)$" > /var/www/html/Autodiscover/.htaccess

But this doesn't seem to do anything, which i suspect has to do with the fact that urls that contain the word autodiscover get redirected, possibly by the line ProxyPassMatch in the stub apache-ocsmanager.conf.mas

   ProxyPassMatch /[Aa]utodiscover(.*)$$1

Next I tried to make it work through the autodiscover subdomain option (described here ). I cancelled out the following line in the stub apache-ocsmanager.conf.mas

    ServerAlias autodiscover.<% $domain %>
to be able to make an autodiscover subdomain and have a directory for it in /var/www/ with an .htaccess in it to direct it by

Code: [Select]
Redirect 301 / https://domain.tld:443/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml

This doesn't seem to work as well. I get the appropriote xml file with the 600 error, but when I analyse it with the testconnectivity tool from microsoft it says the following:

An HTTPS redirect was received in response to the Autodiscover request. The redirect URL is https://domain.tld:443/autodiscover/autodiscover.xmlAutodiscover/Autodiscover.xml.

It seems to go wrong with the redirect (hence the double Autodiscover in the url), which i suspect, again, has something to do with this line in the stub apache-ocsmanager.mas

ProxyPassMatch /[Aa]utodiscover(.*)$$1

But i don't know what i need to change.

Any ideas?