Are you trying this from inside the LAN or outside of the LAN? Do you have your external DNS setup correctly? Do you have your TLD/FQDN set in Zentyal DNS?
Quick crash course in Zentyal. The DNS is meant for local (internal DNS) and not for outside world DNS, so adding your domain into Zentyal DNS is quite a disservice actually. All of your outside world DNS needs to be setup in your outside DNS, so go to wherever your can configure your DNS records and setup the following entries to point to your DNS record: (kind of a duh I know) (in the Zentyal Web Admin GUI is says "Hostname" and your hostname next to it - again kind of a duh but I'm covering all of the bases here) (notice it's "A" and not "a" - muy importante amigo)
It's going to take some time to provision through the DNS of the world, but once that's all set make sure your Zentyal firewall allows the following ports:
HTTP - 80
HTTPS - 443
MAPI - 135
After a couple of hours you "should" be able to open Outlook and use the screen where you just type in your name, email address and passwords and between Outlook and the server you'll get a MAPI connection that just works automatically. This is of course if you don't have your TLD inside Zentyal DNS.
Using MAPI everything syncs across all of your devices, mail, contacts, calendars and it's just way better in my little world.
Hope this helps