Author Topic: [Feature request 4.2]: Linux users using cifs and softlinks & recursiveAcls  (Read 3423 times)


  • Zen Monk
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in EBox/ (around line 1023) the recursive ACLs are being set and can pollute zentyal.log in a mixed network (Win and LX clients), if a lx user uses softlinks (using "ln -s" would be ok though).

A lx user could be using softlinks to connect to other content on his own machine or within his mounted dirs. As the link will work on his machine everything is fine. But when it comes to new/modified permissions in the admin interface the resulting recursive task starts recurring the ACLs and thus will pollute the zentyal log for each entry not found (softlinks).

A short test within the foreach loop using somethings like "next if -l ..." should be done as you won't set any rights on a link, but on the real file instead. You do not want to set permission in this case on the real file either as it could be on another share with different permissions. if the links is a directory you should even skip of course all child entries, too.

So the right solution is to do nothing on softlinks when it comes to ACL.

This should be a very small fix.
Hope to find it soon in a 4.2 patch...
Thnx Markus