The Zentyal 3.2 server became unusable, with many segfaults during startup. Moving mail from old server to new didn't work, and my searches here and elsewhere didn't help, but someone has surely solved this problem.
Created fresh install of Zentyal 3.5, recreated three email users, saw their entries in /var/vmail/ folder
Tarred folders on old server, untarred on new server, saw that permissions were retained ( all owned by ebox:ebox)
NONE of the emails show in webmail when testing.
Could this be the problem: "Postfix now binds to LDAP" from 3.2 feature list.
If so, how would anyone move emails from an unbootable server???
Can I have postfix reload all the mail? Command "postfix reload" simply re-reads the config files, apparently
Can I transfer the postfix part of LDAP from old server to new?