I'm making the assumption that this is the same user but with different domain aliases - if this is not the case, please reply back.
You have two options on how to do this. The easiest is to create "Virtual Domain Aliases". In Zentyal 4.2, you can go to "Mail > Virtual Mail Domains". Then, make sure your primary domain (sample1.com) is created as a "Virtual Domain". After that, click on the cogwheel underneath "Virtual Domain Aliases" and next to sample1.com. Click "Add New" and enter sample2.com. Repeat for sample3.com. Save the changes and after that, any email coming to
user1@sample2.com and
user1@sample3.com actually gets redirected automatically into
user1@sample1.com's inbox.
The other alternative is to create three "Virtual Mail Domains". Again, go to "Mail > Virtual Mail Domains", but this time add all three domains as Virtual Domains. Then, go to "Users and Computers > Manage". Click on your "user1" (or add them if you haven't already). Under the "Module Configuration > Mail Account Settings", look for "Create mail aliases". Here you can add "user1" for sample2.com and again "user1" for sample3.com. Once again, this automatically redirects any mail from
user1@sample2.com and
user1@sample3.com to the
user1@sample1.com inbox.