Author Topic: Zentyal 4+ and syncing contacts/calendars  (Read 4090 times)


  • Zen Warrior
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Zentyal 4+ and syncing contacts/calendars
« on: December 09, 2015, 08:28:12 pm »
I've been Googling for days now and haven't found anything that solves my problem.  I have a Zentyal 4.2 server, well to be honest I'm beating a few of them up now getting ready to roll out a 100% no M.S. production environment.  The constant problem I've come across is that 100% of the time there is no contact syncing going on. 
All I can find are lots of posts around the web saying "I followed the Wiki" with no link to whatever Wiki, "and it worked after that".
The only Wiki I found just says (in a nutshell) do "sudo apt-get install sogo-activesync then go check the box in Mail>Openchange to turn activesync on" which is kind of a duh thing.
So I have Zentyal 4.2 all setup and configured and working.  I have the domain(s) inquestion in Zentyal DNS.  I have 100% access to my external DNS and can add any kind of DNS entry needed.  I have access to my router and I have a box wide open without a router or firewall in the way too.  My question is what do I need to do to ensure contacts will sync across devices along with calendars 100% of the time?
That's kind of a deal breaker if it's just a crap shoot thing.  Which is going to suck a lot for me since I was all sold on Zentyal and have pushed for moving a few different locations off of SBS 2003, 2007, 2011 and even MS Exchange.  I really don't want to hear "I told you so" and I sure as hell don't like the taste of eating crow, so any help on this is super welcome!
If anyone has any ideas on how the heck I can get activesync via sogo-activesync, z-push or anything else working I'd greatly appreciate it!!!
You will have to excuse my posts not having actual links in them.  I'm blind and can never find that insert hyperlink button LoL.  If you, or someone you know has vision problems check out The Tiki Lab.


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Zentyal 4+ and syncing contacts/calendars
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2016, 10:24:57 pm »

I had several synchronisation issues with Zentyal (4.1) and Android calendar in the past.
Recently - as to say yesterday - I stumbled over
     "If you experience issues when synchronizing calendars on Android using CalDAV-Sync from DMFS (or any other CalDAV client), make sure you are using "WOUseRelativeURLs = YES" in your SOGo defaults."
In order to implement this setting within Zentyal, it is *not* sufficient to alter the /etc/sogo/sogo.conf configuration file though (because it is rewritten by Zentyal)...
So I did this modification within /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/openchange/sogo.conf.mas and added the line
    WOUseRelativeURLs = YES;
(Don't miss the ';' at line end!)

Furthermore for Windows Mail Clients (i.e. Windows 10 Mail and Outlook 2013), I assured, that the used protocol is Exchange/ActiveSync.

For my environment, this was the solution...

But it would be really nice, if that setting "WOUseRelativeURLs = YES;" could find it's way to Zentyal Defaults.
(** If any Zentyal stuff reads this, please treat this as a feature request **)


PS: I've set up an appointment to walk my dog with Windows 10 Mail two hours ago and was just reminded by my Android :)


  • Zen Warrior
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Re: Zentyal 4+ and syncing contacts/calendars
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2016, 04:24:16 pm »
Well that's interesting news, for the record you should create the folder /etc/Zentyal/stubs/<whatever madule> and then copy the .mas file into it. 
/usr/share/Zentyal/stubs can be wipred when upgrading Zentyal, even minor upgrades like 4.0 -4.2.  The /etc/Zentyal/stubs is a means of keeping original configuration files in tact and keeping your customized ones from being destroyed when upgrading.
Beyond that I found out MAPI loves port 135, so I just opened that up in the old firewall and did some port forwarding and it's working like a champ now!
I'm going to dig a little deeper into what you've posted though and see if I can figure something more substantial out now.  Thanks a million for the info.
You will have to excuse my posts not having actual links in them.  I'm blind and can never find that insert hyperlink button LoL.  If you, or someone you know has vision problems check out The Tiki Lab.