Author Topic: (Solved) Modules reported errors when saving changes 1st time  (Read 3116 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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(Solved) Modules reported errors when saving changes 1st time
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:40:26 pm »
I set up a new VPS running Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit) and installed Zentyal 4.1 from apt-get. The VPS provider runs OpenVZ (kernel 2.6.32).

My goal is to have a working mail server with OpenChange.

After installing the Zentyal 4.1, I created a sudo user for web console login. I logged in as the sudo account and ran through the wizard and installed packages. I set up networking and also set a firewall any-any rule to allow access while configuring.
I fired up networking module which killed my access. I rebooted the server and it came back online fine. I then tried to enable the remaining modules (FW, AV, DNS, Domain Controller, Mail, Mail Filter, OpenChange). Upon saving changes I get the following output.

Code: [Select]
Some modules reported error when saving changes . More information on the logs in /var/log/zentyal/

The following modules failed while saving their changes, their state is unknown: samba mailfilter mail openchange The following modules failed while saving their changes, their state is unknown: samba mailfilter mail openchange at The following modules failed while saving their changes, their state is unknown: samba mailfilter mail openchange at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 735 EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules('EBox::GlobalImpl=HASH(0x3b86650)', 'progress', 'EBox::ProgressIndicator=HASH(0x154f668)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 95 EBox::Global::AUTOLOAD('EBox::Global=HASH(0x3b860b0)', 'progress', 'EBox::ProgressIndicator=HASH(0x154f668)') called at /usr/share/zentyal/global-action line 32 eval {...} at /usr/share/zentyal/global-action line 30

I have tried tearing down this VM and rebuilding it multiple times all with issues. This time I enabled debug from the start, here is a link to the log:

I see someone else reported a similar issue on a 3.5 version but got no response. Maybe this is something simple, if so, please by all means tell me what I am missing.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 11:28:37 pm by crazyadmin »


  • Zen Apprentice
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This appears to be an issue with the networking component of Zentyal not playing well with certain VPS providers. The component in question is point-to-point tunneling for the ip addressing. Point-to-point tunneling shows up in the networking like this:
inet addr:nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn  P-t-P:nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn  Bcast:  Mask: 

You will see that the inet addr and P-t-P will have identical addresses and the Mask will be
Zentyal appears to not be able to handle a P-t-P address or the Mask.

In this case I am doing testing at I can run pretty much every other service fine on this hosting provider, but Zentyal does not play nice.

1) It would be nice if Zentyal could give some sort of better error message that the issue is networking instead of the crap it outputs.
2) It would be great if the forum had more responses from people who know the platform. I see MANY questions that just sit without a single response.
3) I would gladly pay for a VPS at this provider if Zentyal wants to do some testing to be able to support providers who use PTP.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 12:20:53 am by crazyadmin »


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: (opened again) Modules reported errors when saving changes 1st time
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2015, 12:27:43 am »
I updated to 4.1.5 from 4.1.3 and got the same errors. I'm on a similar VPS like you, but somehow it worked with all the updates from 3.5 'till this update. At the beginning I had to try (install) three times till I didn't get errors when activating openchange and mail. Tried any configurations with the venet0, but without luck. So now I'm stucked again! What a pitty....