Author Topic: Login/Welcome page for Zentyal Clients  (Read 848 times)


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Login/Welcome page for Zentyal Clients
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:41:50 pm »
It is possible to make a "Welcome" or "Login" webpage when using the proxy module in Zentyal 4.0? and How can I do that?
I've seen it a couple of times in certain public networks, but it is my first time trying to do that.

If it is not very clear, I want to do this:
1.- A client connects its device to the net (the net is behind the firewall and the transparent proxy)
2.- When the browser opens, the first webpage shown is not what they requested. Instead it is a webpage with the company logo, a welcome message with a disclaimer and a button (or a link or something) so they can be redirected to the requested page with a click.
3.- This page doesn't show anymore until the client device dissconects and reconects again (or until the next day).

Currently, I'm running: DHCP server, Firewall and HTTP (transparent) proxy, but, as I need too an HTTPS transparent proxy, I'm going to do a modiffication in the Squid module so it can perform a "Man-in-the-Middle". In order to do this I need to warn all the clients, so they are aware of this (due some legal issues).

Greetings and Thanks in advance!
(and sorry for my english, it's been a while since I had the need to write in another languaje hehe, positive feedback is welcome ;))
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 06:57:56 pm by chidgear »