Author Topic: Zentyal 4.1 available!  (Read 58393 times)

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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2015, 10:22:03 pm »
no more squid??? why....
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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2015, 02:48:25 pm »
Good I have a question development version that target is created just for testing install or may be used in production environments?


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2015, 03:35:31 pm »
Greetings, updated the Zentyal to 4.1 and realized that Squid is the proxy server, has been removed.
I do not agree with such removal and if the company does not return this service I see no other solution than to go back to the good old ubuntu server and install the packages you need.

It's a shame that the Zentyal is so focused on the e-mail service, which believe me, is not as priority for many users, and is removing more useful modules for small and medium enterprises in their day to day.

And now what to do? Install squid on ubuntu Zentyal or leave for another Linux distribution?

I appreciate everyone's opinion!
Wanderton C. Vasconcelos Belėm


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2015, 06:21:46 pm »

I have emailed you directly - sorry that you do not know ...



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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2015, 07:59:11 pm »
Remove multi-gateway functionality (balancing, failover, etc)
Remove support for PPPoE, bridged and bundled interfaces

You've got to be kidding me! And I really want to say, ... WTF?!

I'm sorry if there are some replacement features elsewhere. Multi-gateway support is probably the most important reason for us to use Zentyal in our company. We use it to connect to several Internet uplinks, including a PPPoE connection. It does not work perfectly, but it works satisfactorily most of the time.

If these features are removed, 4.1 looks more like a serious and unacceptable downgrade instead of an upgrade to us.


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2015, 08:15:42 pm »
Excellent, so Zentyal team is now focusing on developing an Exchange alternative. I'm sorry but I have zero interest in that. If I want Exchange, I'll just get Exchange. It's time for us to evaluate alternatives and abandon Zentyal which abandons us.


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2015, 09:07:48 pm »
Remove multi-gateway functionality (balancing, failover, etc)

I use that feature on one installation. It's one of the important features why I had chosen Zentyal.

I can understand that Zentyal wants to focus on Active Directory and Exchange replacement. That's Ok. I understood that some modules have been removed on the way from 3.3 to 4.0, because the OpenLdap removal caused a major rework to them. But why do you remove working core features? I can't get those features back by building some contrib modules myself.
I thought that feature removal has been finished with version 4.0. So what's next feature on the removal list? The firewall module? NTP? Everything but samba, openchange and sogo?

How can we (the community) support you to get those core features (and some important contrib modules) back into mainline Zentyal?
Are there any known bugs in the recently removed features the community can help to fix?
Is it possible to just mark some features and modules as "experimental" and keep them in mainline Zentyal?

Please explain the reasons for the feature removal in version 4.1?
I can live with the situation that I have to manage (e.g. edit configuration files for) some modules/features like backup for example by myself. The Ubuntu package management allows this, so it's easily possible to extend Zentyal. I use Bareos (fork of Bacula) for backup and I'm really happy with that. I think it is more sophisticated than Duplicity.

Currently, I still use Zentyal 3.3. But I planned to migrate to 4.0 within the next weeks. According to the Git-Logs Zentyal seemed to have stabilized, so I just have to implement some replacements for some features removed from 3.3 to 4.0 (like the Apache webserver). But I'm very confident I can manage that. Now, I saw the 4.1 announcement: features removed again! I'm forced to implement replacements again, if possible at all. Zentyal did a major step from 3.3 to 4.0. OK, that's history. Normally, I expect bug fixes and some (small) new features from a point release, but not a feature removal.

My final question: what can we expect from Zentyal in the future?

Best regards,


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2015, 09:51:38 pm »
hmmm by the time we hit Zentyal 5.0 they leave us with an interface with just a HALT/REBOOT button :)


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2015, 10:54:02 pm »
ok !!! this is my last test with zetyal,
moving to

look like zetyal moving down.....


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2015, 01:07:58 am »
After ignoring Zentyal for a few months I dropped back by to see that 4.1 has removed more features, that has to be a record for any product, Zentyal is surely becoming just like I said months ago, nothing more than an OpenChange gui, curious market choice.

As mburrillo said, don't let the door hit you in the ass, lol!

Now I'm kinda curious how long all my 3.3 installs will last.


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2015, 01:10:50 am »
Anybody have any thoughts on what make nethserver any better than clearos?

I'm kinda invested in the ubuntu / debian world, my clearos installs are kinda out there.


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2015, 10:13:08 am »
Well I'm also quite sad about the missing functionalities but what can I do ... my question is are there any plans to cut more functions? I realy like the zentyal to zentyal vpn tunnel function and considering implementing it in my company but if you say that 4.2 / 4.3 wont have it i will not waste my time on it.


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2015, 01:57:56 pm »
Greetings, from the beginning when I started working with Linux and servers, always used three tools: Squid, Apache and iptable not remember or a client that I have met who has not used these three tools.
I started using Zentyal for convenience, give comesou problems with the removal of apache, and now totalemente lost confidence in Zentyal team, as it seems, the Zentyal walks to a commercial platform, disguised as OPEN.
I am saddened by the death of Zentyal, which he considered of great value in old versions and now, almost a useless junk.
I beg to Zentyal developers that bring the squid back as soon as possible, and review this policy of removing modules, I believe that with more modules, you would have more customers paid and greater financial return support.
Wanderton C. Vasconcelos Belėm

Gary Schiltz

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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2015, 08:05:40 pm »
Since I started deploying Zentyal a couple of years ago, I too was disappointed whenever some component or another was dropped. But since I am not a paying customer, I don't feel I have the right to complain. What I did, instead, was wipe my server clean and install the Proxmox virtualization environment (some would call it overkill for a single server solution, since it is also a fully-fledged cluster solution). Since most components are network-connected anyway, I can install multiple virtual machines and run missing pieces in another VM. It's also great that I can install multiple versions of software side by side, e.g. Zentyal 3.2 in one VM, 4.0 in another, and 4.1 in yet another, then start and stop them to do comparisons. In fact, I'll probably test out the aforementioned NethServer just to see how it suits my needs, alongside Zentyal. I've done the same thing with Univention Corporate Server. Whenever I decide I don't want to pursue a particular "server" further, I can just delete the corresponding VM.


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Re: Zentyal 4.1 available!
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2015, 08:43:38 pm »
So, after this the orientation more and more towards "only MS-compatible email solution" to go and none of the forums gods or Zentyal people take a stand on all points of criticism in various sub-areas of the forum - I have for myself decided that my 3 servers managed in the next opportunity to Neth server switch.

[url] [/ url]

Although this solution is "still" not quite as comfortable as Zentyal but you can do everything I need.

- Web Server
- Bundling of network cards
- Mail Filter
- Squid
- Web groupware (with interface to Android and iOS)

Had everything Zentyal times and made strong!

Too bad it was a great time!