Author Topic: [Q] Zentyal 4.0 Nginx configuration - add more webservices, subdomain, etc.  (Read 4331 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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I want to enhance the webservices of the Zentyal 4.0 server installation, e.g. Adminer (, Owncloud, ...

After upgrading to Nginx 1.6.2 there are now 2 configuration files:
Code: [Select]
root@vm4-zentyal64:~# find / -type f -name "nginx.conf"

Of course this makes no sense and I must ensure that only one nginx.conf is used.
The problem here is that /var/lib/zentyal/conf/nginx.conf is overwritten after each start of server zentyal, means any modification in this file will be overwritten.

I think it should be best to disable Zentyal overruling the standard Nginx configuration in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
How can I modify Zentyal in order to use /etc/nginx/nginx.conf?
Then I don't care if /var/lib/zentyal/conf/nginx.conf is overwritten by a template.

What is the preferred location for storing files belonging to Adminer and Owncloud?

« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 02:45:46 pm by c.monty »


  • Zen Apprentice
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I'm not an nginx xpert, but what I would try is putting the configuration in /etc/nginx/conf.d or /etc/nginx/sites-available with a link to the file from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.

Failing that, you might need to get to grips with stub file in /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/core/nginx.conf.mas

I am not an expert in these things, so I'd read up on the developer docs about the stubs. Needless to say, I'd back up the config files - not sure what would survive an upgrade.


  • Zen Apprentice
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Well, Zentyal is obviously using Nginx webserver in release 4.0.
And the webserver is started using the Zentyal config file /var/lib/zentyal/conf/nginx.conf.

In other words, Zentyal is starting nginx with a command forcing the usage of this config file.
By default, nginx reads config file in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

This is not about config files used to define e.g. subdomains.
Please remember that Zentyal uses a predefined nginx.conf that will be read from a template after each start of Zentyal.
Therefore it makes no sense to modify this file /var/lib/zentyal/conf/nginx.conf because all changes will be lost after restart.

What is this about the stubs... could you please share some more information on this?



  • Zen Apprentice
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I know that my questions is not about the topic that you are reply, but, i am new working with zentyal, and i have a problem to create a new user object. When i try to create a new user, an error message said: The client attempted to add an entry that already exist.Any sugestion can help me, please if you know about this help me. Sorry for the intrution and the english, i speak spanish


  • Zen Apprentice
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I know that my questions is not about the topic that you are reply, but, i am new working with zentyal, and i have a problem to create a new user object. When i try to create a new user, an error message said: The client attempted to add an entry that already exist.Any sugestion can help me, please if you know about this help me. Sorry for the intrution and the english, i speak spanish

First of all, you should open a seperate thread regarding your issue and not use another thread that is not related to this, because if you do so you will never get a reply to your issue.


  • Zen Apprentice
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sorry, and thanks for the advise