Author Topic: Webmail Bad request (invalid hostname) Zentyal 4.0  (Read 1801 times)


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Webmail Bad request (invalid hostname) Zentyal 4.0
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:45:56 pm »
I am having some issues with the community edition of the server. When I try connecting outlook through the MS Exchange connection it keeps disconnecting, then outlook has to be restarted.

I have now gone to the webmail (SOgo) as it has the ability to share calenders better, but every so often the webmail play up, and keeps giving Bad request(Invalid hostname) which it can't get out of. To solve this, I have to keep rebooting the zentyal server.

I am accessing the server via the IP address ( ). The IP address is a static address.
However when I get this error message, if I go onto the server and use the same address rather than local host, it does give access to the webmail.
Does any one know how to solve the webmail Bad Request error and even the MS Exchange disconnection error.

P Cole