The following packages are not properly installed: zentyal-printers zentyal-samba. Go to Software Management for more information.
Já executei sudo dpkg --configure -a, mas o problema subsiste
Info do Sistema:
System hostname mozart.zentyal-domain.lan (
Operating system Ubuntu Linux 14.04.1
Webmin version 1.710
Time on system Mon Nov 17 11:43:08 2014
Kernel and CPU Linux 3.13.0-39-generic on i686
Processor information Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.20GHz, 1 cores
System uptime 0 hours, 21 minutes
Running processes 166
CPU load averages 0.10 (1 min) 0.08 (5 mins) 0.12 (15 mins)
CPU usage 0% user, 0% kernel, 0% IO, 100% idle
Real memory 938.23 MB total, 392.08 MB used
Virtual memory 958 MB total, 0 bytes used
Local disk space 145.66 GB total, 17.62 GB used
Package updates All installed packages are up to date.