OK, here we go again. I was a little busy lately with project work and there was basically no weekend free since then. But tonight I decided to give it another go. There I have this nice little server and 3 hard disks waiting to be filled with our files, which we currently share from each hard disk.
I was a little frustrated by the flash drive install so I decided to take the company SATA HDD Docking Station and the 160GB hard disk which comes with the HP Microserver home and play around a little bit in front of the TV. I connected the docking station to my private notebook, running Ubuntu 11.04 and then I partitioned the HD. I already had installed Ubuntu 11.04 on it (see previous posts) and I wanted to keep it there, just in case. So I reduced the space for 11.04 down to 25 GB (5 currently used), increased the swap to 8GB (will probably want to upgrade the Ram one day) and separated the rest of the 160GB into partitions 25 and 90GB (no file system yet). All via the Ubuntu 11.04 on my notebook.
Then I rebooted and booted from cd-rom (the one of my notebook). Important was to note down that my notebook hd (also 160 GB - very confusing
) was sda and the Microserver hd (in this case in the hd docking) was sdb.
Zentyal installation started just fine. The only slightly tricky part was the partitioning. Of course you need to make sure that you want to format the right parts (only going for the sdb). I set the 25gb partition to ext4 and "/" and the 90GB partition also to ext4 and to "/home" and the now 8GB swap as swap. Somehow Zentyal decided it wants to reformat the swap from sda as well, but I didn't really like this idea and took it out.
Installation worked quite well and I was able to boot from the usb hd to Ubuntu 11.04 as well as to Zentyal 2.2. I played around a little and configured some stuff. Looks pretty good so far.
Well, now comes the most important part. I'll have to take the hard disk with Zentyal installed and put it into the HP Microserver. I hope this works out well. But as it worked from the USB docking, I am quite confident that it will work in the server as well.
Then I will have to figure out how to configure the two 1TB hd that I have there for the file server. I would like to have them as a software raid 1. I haven't seen any option to configure this, but I guess without having the discs there is probably no posibility for this anyway. That probably will be one of my next questions.
I'll keep you updated!