Author Topic: Broken settings from beta to standard 4.0  (Read 1328 times)


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Broken settings from beta to standard 4.0
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:30:59 pm »
So I've happily been running a VPN/Mail/File server on the beta for the past two months without much cause for concern.  I finally sat down this today after my system (auto-updates are applied by default) noticed a bucket ton of issues/problems I didn't see coming.  Up front, I understand I cannot be mad as I was using beta software but this FYI should be stressed. 

Firstly, my logs got wrecked.  I had set my logs to be retained for a year and now can only go as far back as the 30th with the Zentyal default settings being restored to weekly purges.

Secondly, my webmail SOGO went to bye bye (not accessible in any shape).  I had successfully been running two domain hosted solutions out of it and now neither of them are of use.

Lastly, the active sync which I had been using on my Android phone had been disabled by default.  I find it odd that some of the components (my file server, AD setup and VPN/Certificates) remained perfectly fine while others crashed and burned. Live and learn I guess but a heads up next time would be awesome.