Author Topic: Problems to add Zentyal as additional Domain Controller  (Read 1098 times)


  • Zen Monk
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Problems to add Zentyal as additional Domain Controller
« on: September 24, 2014, 01:47:59 pm »
I have trouble getting Zentyal server as an additional DC in my domain Windows.

I commented on stage.

I'm trying to mount a small Zentyal that have subsite.

One thing I do not understand exactly your DNS settings, you have to put configuration. Let me explain:

If I do not play anything at the DNS -not at Network-> DNS- from the computer itself I do not ping the other computers on other subnets. Need to directly modify /etc/resolv.conf and enter the ip nameserver of my DNS server, which is too my DC, and then we get to ping the other computers from my various sites.

By default nameserver I have, and get pinged have to modify the resolv.conf file, as I mentioned earlier, but in theory this file is automatically generated and is overwritten after every reboot, and should not touch by hand .

Deputy image gives me the error window after falling 75% in three hours

Does anyone have mounted Zentyal as an additional DC in a Windows domain?

Is there any prerequisite regarding minimum amount of memory to allocate to Zentyal to meet this additional functionality DC?

Thanks in advance


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Problems to add Zentyal as additional Domain Controller
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2014, 03:23:38 am »
I did use zentyal as an additional domain controller. But I got plagued by errors especially on the replications. As of now, I removed the zentyal because its giving mismatches and errors, but Im planning to attached it again. Anyways, their DNS settings are a real pain.  You have to manually input these on to the GUI of DNS, but if you do a remote connection to the Zentyal without having the records being input. You can still see the records. I just dont get their DNS module.  :-\