Author Topic: multi-site HA Zentyal?  (Read 1218 times)


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multi-site HA Zentyal?
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:58:33 pm »
I'm trying to setup a four node Zentyal domain, consisting of two nodes (one primary domain controller, one "additional") in one site, and two "additional" domain controllers in another site.

What is the best way to do this? Currently, I have each pair setup as a two-node cluster (which means I have to manually maintain DNS the same way on both sides), and it's been nothing but problems. I'm doing it on AWS, and the two sites must have an ipsec mesh configuration connecting them.

Right now I have the set of four operational, but manually mirroring DNS is a pain, and Zentyal's ipsec module isn't up to the task of maintaining a connection between the four nodes (especially given that I had to disable the firewall module due to it interfering with ipsec in general)

Any hints? I haven't found any documentation on this beyond the very basic "here's how to create a secondary" doc.