Author Topic: [3.5]User joined to domain but autodiscovery is not working due to missing cert?  (Read 1376 times)


  • Zen Warrior
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I noticed in 2 installations a difference in certificates for autodiscovery.

My older [3.5] test setup has a cert autodiscovery. I startet it from beta stage.
My newest installation has many troubles with outlook 2010.
the setup guide like
is not working, because outlook will not configure himself like it should. The user is joined to domain. I needed to manually configure the exchange outlook profile. When i do this, outlook 2010 connects to exchange, but can´t download and sync anything (although i accept the warnings and the user sing´s in every outlook start). Testing autodiscovery from outlook fails.
I think this is the reason for a nonfunctional outlook.

Why is the cert missing?
how can i create it by myselve? like every other cert? Something i need to know? 

Zentyal 3.5 (offline) unter Ubuntu12.04.3 YAVDR 0.5 als KVM Host
Action Pack Abo with a running Exc. 2013 :-)