Author Topic: Strange Gateway Issue on Reboot  (Read 903 times)


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Strange Gateway Issue on Reboot
« on: August 01, 2014, 04:09:18 pm »
I have three Zentyal 3.5 boxes, two of which are gateways on two different networks. 

I eventually plan on linking the different networks/sites using Zentyal-to-Zentyal PPTP VPN or perhaps using LPT2/IPSec.

I have made configuration backups online before I do anything rash, and after some experimentation with the VPN module, I decided to do a restore on both boxes to pre-VPN configuration state.  Worked great, love the free feature, but would be nice to have a least a week archive in case you miss something overnight.

Anyway, every time I have rebooted the two gateways after the restores my local area machines lose internet connectivity.

Everything else still works, samba shares, e-mail, but not web browsing.  So I restore my backup from online and boom everything is back online and working properly until the next reboot or power outage.

Any clues would be appreciated, I am perplexed and can find nothing on Google relating to this peculiar issue.

Thank You,

Mr. Thomas