By the way, we are already documenting how to replace all that functionality not present in 4.0
I really not trying to be an ass but I feel the need to point this out.
This forum is full of posts from folks suffering failures of all the modules working together in versions 3.whatever.
Versions 3.whatever being the semi official ? community version of the all in one.
Most of these posts are unanswered and or have no responses because of poor posting or simply no one able or interested in trying to help.
Now, v4 will be released without all these modules but with 'documentation' for the community to try and make unsupported modules work.
If there were so many problems, many I experienced myself, with the unsupported community version of the all in one, who in the hell would dare waste their time trying to make v4 work with other functionality especially when the next core update would be liable to render the server inop?
Seems like a wasted exercise, I wonder how many people will bang their heads against their desks trying to follow this 'documentation', fruitlessly.
Now I'm waiting to see the finished, polished v4, to see if I can use it, but years of experience with Zentyal guarantees I won't waste a minute trying to get v4 to do anything it isn't already written to do and I'll continually recommend no one else does either.
All I can say is, thank God for vm's and snapshots.