hi there,
i am currently evaluating zentyal if it is a valid replacement for our infrastructure. at a first glimpse it looks really promising! thank you very much so far.
the webinterface is pretty much self-explaining, no big question marks here.
going deeper into the day-to-day procedures i am now coming across the management of permissions within subfolders.
for our project teams we have shares on the fileserver like this:
- projects
- pitches
- organizational
anyone can access those shares, but cannot create subfolders. i think this is what anyone has on their machines.
within those shares we have folders for each project or organizational matter, in which there are some subfolder with special permissions, so that only projectleaders or company managers can look into them.
this is an example of a project folder, below the share projects:
dummy_project (everyone ro)
+-- dropbox (everyone rw)
+-- workfiles (everyone rw)
+-- confidential (managers rw)
+-- financial (projectleaders and managers rw)
as this folder is contained in a share, the permissions come from the filesystem and not the shares configuration.
is there a planned best practice in zentyal how to manage this? or is it required to have an addtional tool managing the filesystems acls like directly from the shell or something like eiciel?
sorry if this has been asked before, but i wasnt able to find an answer for this.
thanks anyway,