Author Topic: NetBIOS domain name change causes Samba not to save and produces an error  (Read 1749 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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My current zentyal test setup works perfect except when I want to change the NetBIOS domain name from simply stating AD to RW. It is quite a simple change, but when I make the change Samba stops at 65% and then produces an error.

"Some modules reported error when saving changes . More information on the logs in /var/log/zentyal/"

The error below is repeated several times and I cannot get Samba to save the settings properly, so I get kicked out of the domain and cannot rejoin. Is there something I need to change before making this netbios name change? I looked around the forums and did not see a solution.

2014/05/28 15:43:23 ERROR> EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules - Failed to save changes in module samba: Error loading OU 'Domain Controllers' in 'DC=ad,DC=renters,DC=com': Error creating entry: The client attempted to add an entry that already exists. This can occur as
a result of

 * An add request was submitted with a DN that already exists

 * A modify DN requested was submitted, where the requested new DN already exists

 * The request is adding an attribute to the schema and an attribute with the
given OID or name already exists
.<br/> Operation parameters:'add []
2014/05/28 15:43:23 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: logs
2014/05/28 15:43:23 DEBUG> EBox::Sudo::_root - /usr/share/zentyal/global-action --action saveAllModules --progress-id 1 (pid: 3580) - /sbin/status 'ebox.loggerd'
2014/05/28 15:43:23 DEBUG> EBox::Sudo::_root - /usr/share/zentyal/global-action --action saveAllModules --progress-id 1 (pid: 3580) - /sbin/status 'ebox.loggerd'
2014/05/28 15:43:23 DEBUG> EBox::Sudo::_root - /usr/share/zentyal/global-action --action saveAllModules --progress-id 1 (pid: 3580) - /sbin/stop 'ebox.loggerd'
2014/05/28 15:43:23 DEBUG> EBox::Sudo::_root - /usr/share/zentyal/global-action --action saveAllModules --progress-id 1 (pid: 3580) - /sbin/start 'ebox.loggerd'
2014/05/28 15:43:23 ERROR> EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules - The following modules failed while saving their changes, their state is unknown: samba  at The following modules failed while saving their changes, their state is unknown: samba  at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 735
EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules('EBox::GlobalImpl=HASH(0x2e15938)', 'progress', 'EBox::ProgressIndicator=HASH(0x1a96d28)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 95
EBox::Global::AUTOLOAD('EBox::Global=HASH(0x2e15188)', 'progress', 'EBox::ProgressIndicator=HASH(0x1a96d28)') called at /usr/share/zentyal/global-action line 32
eval {...} at /usr/share/zentyal/global-action line 30


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: NetBIOS domain name change causes Samba not to save and produces an error
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2014, 01:06:18 am »
On Zentyal 3.3 community version, single server home environment, I've not been able to resolve this or get shares working.
I've ended up removing the file sharing module and installing standard samba and setting up my shares with minimal effort. I've not tried using the ldap users in the share ACLs but instead used the samba users I created.