Hi All,
Anyone any ideas about using ldapadd against Zentyal?
eg i am trying to run a command to import ldif files but always get the error:-
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
additional info: Simple Bind Failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
the command is:-
ldapadd -D "cn=cgadmin,dc=mycohens,dc=net" -W -f /tmp/passwd.ldif command is
my comain is mycohens.net and i have a user called cgadmin. The command prompts for password, so i type it and get the above error.
Basically i am trying to migrate users from an old debian box using passwd authentication into zentyal ldap. I have managed to export the passwd users, groups etc from the old box and import them to the new box, but can't get them to import to ldap.
thanks in advance.