Author Topic: Sharing calendar without Zarafa  (Read 1450 times)


  • Zen Monk
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Sharing calendar without Zarafa
« on: April 09, 2014, 10:24:24 am »
Good day Gentlemen,

I have a small server for the office about 50 peronel. I've set up a simple AD server with Zentyal and shared folders are working as well. I would like to create a shared folder for each group, user, whatever. Normally ( on Windows ) I would install WebDAV server, put an ics file there and make it accessable for all the users. It used to work like a charm. In Zentyal currently what I'M trying is to make a shared folder allowing guests as well, but in Thunderbird I can't add the path of the shared folder since it acceps only http:// or ftp:// .... no problem, let's et up an FTP server on Zentyal. Made it, got the folder, got the file, but Thunderbird is always screaming for permission problems. It can'T modify the file. Any tipps please?