Author Topic: Logging stops at around 8am everyday  (Read 1692 times)


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Logging stops at around 8am everyday
« on: February 18, 2014, 11:42:23 pm »
This is a continuation of a thread 4 months old. It was not really resolved. No solution was offered.

I am running 3.3 Zentyal installed on top of 12.04.4 Ubuntu server. It is an I7 with 16 gigs of ram and a 256gb hard drive.

Sometime in the past few months logging began turning itself off just before 8am. The dashboard says that logging is running, but no new entries appear after say after 7:32am. I note the time because SME finishes its updates around then. When it stops logging exactly I am unsure.

I thought perhaps something on my main system had been corrupted so I took my spare box and rebuilt the system first installing 12.04.4 from scratch and then installing Zentyal with apt-get. I then took a backup from the currently running box and installed it on my backup.

The newly installed system did the same thing the very next morning. I realize that it perhaps points to my installation which I will examine more closely.

However I do appreciate any suggestions offered. I am not into reinventing the wheel.