Author Topic: Perfect XenServer eBox - eBox Gateway/UTM + eBox Office/Insfastracture VM's  (Read 3746 times)


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Anyone can give a simple guide or help how to do this? In this documentation, there is "The Perfect eBox Setup with Virtualization" topic but no contents which can help me in this.

Here what a want to achieve, a XenServer platform with eBox Gateway and UTM/Security Virtual Machine on the forefront then eBox Infrastructure and Office VM on the back of the eBox Gateway connected via VLAN but with eBox Infrastructure's way to distribute internet on the internal LAN.

Say I have 4 NIC being eth0 assigned for managing Xenserver and eth1 and eth2 for 2 ISP's and eth3 for internal LAN.
The main concern for me is how to accomplish the VLAN's securely and setup/separate the eBox Modules properly.

Any inputs will be highly appreciated! Thanks!
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 04:38:42 am by cyberjorge »


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Anyone can give a simple guide or help how to do this? In this documentation, there is "The Perfect eBox Setup with Virtualization" topic but no contents which can help me in this.

Here what a want to achieve, a XenServer platform with eBox Gateway and UTM/Security Virtual Machine on the forefront then eBox Infrastructure and Office VM on the back of the eBox Gateway connected via VLAN but with eBox Infrastructure's way to distribute internet on the internal LAN.

Say I have 4 NIC being eth0 assigned for managing Xenserver and eth1 and eth2 for 2 ISP's and eth3 for internal LAN.
The main concern for me is how to accomplish the VLAN's securely and setup/separate the eBox Modules properly.

Any inputs will be highly appreciated! Thanks!

I have the same idea lingering in my head for this solution as well. Using Xenserver with 2 hosts and an iSCSI storage using openfiler, i am able to come up with a HA solution based on Xenserver and iSCSI storage. Only thing is that i do not have the hardware to test :P

Currently I am using a non virtualization processor box installed with eBox Platform 1.2 and VMWare server together with it. I use the host eBox Platform as the gateway and using VMWare server, i installed couple of VM with eBox Platform with office modules. This 2 ebox are in production mode and also couple of vm with 1.3 for testing mode. Hope this help. Cheers!


  • Zen Apprentice
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Thanks alvinquah for sharing your setup!

Is your eBox Platform 1.2 and VMWare Server are all in one box and starting simultaneously including the VM's? I didn't go for VMware because of limitation in hardware support that's why I chose Xenserver instead.

The eBox Virtualization guide is not complete or should I say never started in the documentation and virtualization is one of the necessities this days. Anyone who has some experience or knowledge to share please post now. Thanks!