This is humbling. I am trying to correct grammar and english in the text windows. However, there is one pas.sage of text that is driving me crazy. When you click on DHCP tab a window of text displays saying the following.
At least, an interface must set as staticto configure the DHCP service on it. To do so, change interfaces configuration in network module
As you can see 'staticto' sh should be 'static to'. Also, drop At least and start sentence with An interface.
greping finds this test in /usr/share/perl5/EBox/DHCP/Composite/ Here is the statement:
return __x('An interface must be set as static '
. 'to configure the DHCP service on it. '
. 'To do so, change {openhref}interfaces '
. 'configuration{closehref} in network module',
openhref => '<a href="/ebox/Network/Ifaces">',
closehref => '</a>');
As you can see, I've made the changes but no matter how many times I refresh the screen it does not change. What am I doing wrong??