Author Topic: How to load and save the userprofile on the LDAP server?  (Read 1305 times)


  • Zentyal Staff
  • Zen Monk
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How to load and save the userprofile on the LDAP server?
« on: October 05, 2009, 06:09:11 pm »
Hi! We just received the following question from Sijbren. I'd appreciate if you could help him out: I'll re-direct him to the Forum! Thank you in advance, once again :)! Heidi


I'm currently working on an LDAP server with Ebox software. For the clients i use ebox-desktop.

Now i'm running into the following problem:

When i login on my client pc it works perfectly, it creates a directory at /home/samba/users/

But this is quite annoying because when i logon on another client pc it creates a new account for me, and i would like my files to be synced from the last logout.

So my question is how do make it possible to load and save the userprofile on the ldap server so that i can use that profile on every computer?

I hope i described the problem good enough.

Thanx in advance.