I agree that a forwarder doesn't seem logically necessary here, but adding one is the only thing that got me passed the first error I mentioned in my previous message.
All I'm trying to do, is to get Zentyal to sync Users from the MS Active Directory for the purpose of creating Jabber accounts (automatically) that a user can consume with Pidgin using their AD credentials.
Without the forwarder, Zentyal doesn't seem to be able to verify that the "external active directory I told it to sync with" exists.
When I added the forwarder, it then notices that it exists, but then complains about that fact that it is unable to reverse resolve it by ip lookup. I don't know why Zentyal is unable to reverse resolve, when at the same time I can go to the command line on this very server and reverse resolve without issue.
It seems like Zentyal's Users and Computers module is not truly consuming the DNS I've specified at:
CORE > Network > DNS
Maybe, instead, it is incorrectly looking to this module to resolve these things:
When I'm at the command line, using nslookup, it is correctly using the settings at CORE > Network > DNS and successfully resolving forward and reverse, but the "Users and Computers" module seems to only be looking at INFRASTRUCTURE > DNS to resolve the Active Directory server I chose to sync with during installation.
See the
Connect with External Active Directory option I chose during installation.
You would expect to be able to simply go to the "Users and Computers" module after installation, having chosen this installation option, but as you can see, I'm getting these strange errors instead.