Hello all,
Im setting up an old laptop at home as a network gateway for testing and mostly learning purposes. I'm comfortable with most network applications under windows but I wish to move under Linux, Zentyal more specifically.
I'm running into a problem; how do I get my Zentyal to use the wlan0 interface to connect to a WIFI which supplies the Internet connection for my network?? Most Linux distro include the wireless network configuration to connect (even windows server does!) but I presume Zentyal doesn't because servers usually don't obtain their Internet from a wifi network... So can I do this? If so how?
My network:
PCs -> wired/wireless AP -> (via eth0 LAN card) -> Zentyal Gateway/Server -> (via wlan0 WLAN) -> internet router (DMZ set for Zentyal)
I'm new to Linux but not completely ignorant. I've been googling the subject but didnt come accross anything really functional
Some help would be greatly appreciated!