Author Topic: PPTP server but no client?  (Read 1167 times)


  • Zen Monk
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PPTP server but no client?
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:11:20 pm »
Am I correct? ,by adding the pptp component you get a pptp server on zentyal but not a pptp client, althow all the gooddies sit there under the bonnet I simply cant make another interface pptp to a seperate network.

Background.  How can I make a PPtP connection to a network from my network gateway Zentyal box.  The software is there but the GUI does not seem to cater for the event.
Its like adding a PPPOE connection.
What ppl dont know is that PPPOE gateways can make more than one PPPOE connection if the device is in bridge mode.  But once i have bound one ETH to a pppoe then the ability to add yet another interface is gone - althow legal.
Likewise Microsoft allow you to make many "dialup" or ppp-type connections via modems and other devices as you please.