Author Topic: Need help with folder and filesharing  (Read 2038 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Need help with folder and filesharing
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:02:40 am »
Im sorry, but any help would be nice. I set up ebox as instructed and then i created users and activated the file sharing option.
Now what i want to do is i want the /home folder for those users to apear as the local /home folder when the user logs on to one other linux computer on my home network. My goal is to give my wife and my kids all one login and username for each one and they could open their /home folder everytime the same regardless from wich computer they login from.
What else do i need to do? Or where else can i look for.
I am getting exited with linux since it seems very easy to use (ubuntu we use) and i also like very much the design and ease of use of ebox, but i have been reading many forums and im very confused now (i guess i used windows for too long and im 40 now, so my brain isnt as fit for learning as it was at 20 :).
Thanks for any kind of help.


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Need help with folder and filesharing
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 02:23:26 am »

What you are wanting is not a simple task if you are unfamiliar with linux in general. You need a couple things in place.  Here's a quick list of things you will need to do.


Your linux workstations must be able to authenticate to the ebox server. Unfortunately, debian/ubuntu are not nearly as mature as distributions like Redhat in the this area.  See this link for detailed instructions:

Automount home directories:

I actually discourage this.  Using remote home directories, especially in ubuntu is not wise, since so much of what you do as a user looks to /home entries...firefox settings for example.   I would recommend using a tool like rsync to keep all the /home partitions on each computer matching, this works well in a smaller environment.  In a larger environment, you would need a log-in script that automatically moves all your files over, much like windows roaming profiles.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius...and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction."  --  Albert Einstein


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Need help with folder and filesharing
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 12:38:09 am »
Tks for your answer. I will take a look at rsync. But i thought it would be easier.
Anyway. I would like someone to answer to my very idiotic question:
Do i understand correct, when i say that ebox is only an interface to the services that are on that debian distro that comes with the download, i.e. we can go directly to the server and using the comand line, we could access the diferent services that ebox controls and change them???

Thanks again from this very very noobie linux/ebox user.

Stay well...


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Re: Need help with folder and filesharing
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 09:19:36 am »
Do i understand correct, when i say that ebox is only an interface to the services that are on that debian distro that comes with the download, i.e. we can go directly to the server and using the comand line, we could access the diferent services that ebox controls and change them???

Not exactly. The eBox web interface allows to manage net services from the Web UI. These changes are stored in a XML database, which afterwards are dumped to the configuration files. Then, you need to modify this XML files by using gconftool command line as ebox which is not obvious. Any change you make in the configuration files will be overwritten by eBox after saving changes.

The main you could do in command line is restarting a module or whole eBox by running its init.d script:
Code: [Select]
$ invoke-rc.d ebox [moduleName] restart

Setting in moduleName a module name such as network, dhcp... or nothing to restart eBox completely.

I hope this helps.
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