
Please, choose the most critical environment where you have installed eBox Platform so far:

1. Home Server
2. Non-profit service
3. Own organization - test environment
4. Own organization - production environment
5. Customer's premises
6. Other (please specify below)

Author Topic: Usage of eBox Platform  (Read 14856 times)


  • Zen Hero
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2009, 09:51:44 pm »
I said "Home Environment", but that includes my business's website and anything I need for my home business including the database and anything else we use. eBox itself is only managing the things at home behind the network, but it also manages apache's virtual hosts which is probably the most important thing.


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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2009, 11:49:02 pm »
I am now using ebox 1.0 as a domain controller in our organization. The server hardware is a low-power single-core Intel Atom platform. Currently it serves 30 users on 22 client workstations and laptops running Windows XP and Vista and it does the job of replacing our Win2K Server perfectly!  :)



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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2009, 01:06:35 am »
I am now using ebox 1.0 as a domain controller in our organization. The server hardware is a low-power single-core Intel Atom platform. Currently it serves 30 users on 22 client workstations and laptops running Windows XP and Vista and it does the job of replacing our Win2K Server perfectly!  :)


How well is it working? I was wanting to possibly move parts of eBox (post the release of 1.3) onto Atom servers.


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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2009, 08:58:43 am »
Hej all,

eBox really made life much easier for me, when I set up a server for our university workgroup.
So now we are using it first of all as a fileserver. But also the eGroupware and Jabber server are established and are working like a charm.
Until now I havn't figured out how to send emails over ebox server for event notification in eBox and in eGroupware (I am pretty new to all that server stuff), but hopefully I will find time to learn that also.

My main future wish: better Documentation!
edit: just saw the new documentation under http://doc.ebox-platform.com - great job

Go on!


« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 09:02:26 am by schiggy »


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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2009, 09:36:18 am »
Sheesh, lots of really high-stress production areas. This was a good poll!


  • Zen Samurai
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2009, 12:41:18 pm »
eBox is presently used as a test environment as currently it does not offer some essential functionality.

All items in each list are shown in no order of priority.  The lists are in no way to be interpreted as deriding the effort already input to eBox but are given in the spirit of helping the project.  Many of the points have been raised previously in the forum - I will provide links if wanted.


Guaranteed upgrade compatibility (without re-installation) between:
  • Major eBox versions
  • Underlying Ubuntu LTS versions

Integrated control/management of Domain Controller and Domain Member Servers and (Win/Lin Domain Workstation Clients including roaming profiles)

Single point authentication and authorization of all users/machines/apps on LAN

A Domain-wide account, reachable from any machine on the LAN.  It will confer the highest level of administrative privileges from a single point of authentication, irrespective of whichever machine is the source of the log-in request (workstation or server).

Backup of individual storage units to a destination remote from the local machine. This will include the ability to obtain a secure (encrypted) copy of the backup from the destination machine, for off-site storage/archive.

An integrated ability to manage changes in demand for storage space with minimum impact on users.


Improved printing functions

Development of eBox-Desktop clients

Disaster recovery and resilience

Resilience against failed/incomplete minor version upgrades

Simplified means of using an external email/webmail provider with clients such as Thunderbird etc.

The ability for users to restore their own individual/multiple files from backups, using the web interface.

Package/Application cache for Ubuntu/Windows machines (e.g. Apt-Cacher-NG, Opsi etc)

A single, unified set of docs/manual - constantly reviewed and updated.

Image server/repository (Clonezilla, FOG etc)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 02:56:12 pm by SamK »


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2009, 03:08:25 pm »
I have no poll to suggest, but I cannot use ebox though I still really would like to, because it will not work on my vserver (http://forum.ebox-platform.com/index.php?topic=752); apparently I need a real physical server on a local network, no?


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2009, 05:41:43 pm »
eBox is an excellent piece of software!  It has simplified my life enormously!

As for improvements (and I may be a little out-of-date here, so apologies if you've already done any of these), I'd be grateful if you could consider:
  • Making the LDAP base name configurable.  It would be nice to have something other than "dc=ebox".
  • Improving security.  Since eBox provides CA capabilities, it would be nice if we could tie this in to restrictring network services to using SSL/TLS only.
  • Integration of kerberos for single-sign on across a domain.
  • Having an eBox client that simplifies configuration of a client machine to use an eBox server.
  • Providing a better customization mechanism.  Currently, any modifications to the eBox configuration get zapped when the next software update is performed.

Keep up the good work!


  • Zen Warrior
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2009, 05:57:36 pm »
Hi Mike!

The LDAP base name is configurable starting with Karmic. The ebox client for the desktop is also in the works. We'll keep working on it and everything else.

Thanks for your message :)


  • Zen Hero
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2009, 09:03:43 pm »
I have no poll to suggest, but I cannot use ebox though I still really would like to, because it will not work on my vserver (http://forum.ebox-platform.com/index.php?topic=752); apparently I need a real physical server on a local network, no?

Actually, I know some people in the IRC channel that have run it just fine in a vbox.


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2009, 10:11:39 am »
We are using it in 2 offices as a PDC, replacing Windows2003 servers. It works well with windows clients but I have headaches with Linux clients.

We have a number of Kubuntu 8.04 clients and am looking for a way to use the Ebox mainly as backup/mirror of users HOME directories. Due to Samba weaknesses (I have been told, can not confirm) neither rsync or rdiff-backup works as I would expect. I get problems when users have several "levels" of subdirectories.

I understand that NFS likely would work better than Samba for network file directories for linux users so I suggest you look into that and when one sets up a client/user one separates windows clients from linux clients.

Further - I am still waiting for an easy backup of all users/groups shares from server to backupmedia


  • Zen Samurai
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2009, 10:37:13 am »
Due to Samba weaknesses (I have been told, can not confirm) neither rsync or rdiff-backup works as I would expect. I get problems when users have several "levels" of subdirectories.

Hi sinclair
I also see an integrated, reliable backup mechanism as a fundamental requirement.  Would you be willing to provide some additional information about the problems you have experienced and possibly any links to the advice you have received?


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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2009, 11:42:36 am »
Thanks for ebox,
mostly used as a firewall at this time. Having a gui in front of very complicated server configurations, I think, is  a great idea. I know the purist might protest, but the simplification for someone trying to configure a server is a HUGE win.
Thanks for the distro guys, really good work so far, and looks like more goodness to come.
Some firewalls (IPCOP) offer the choice of 'external (red), internal (green), dmz (orange)' zones. whereas ebox just offers internal or external.
The above is a hardly a deal breaker though.
The new feature (1.3?) of master and server ebox installations looks really good: would encourage me to keep ebox on the firewall and put egroupware in the dmz or somewhere behind the firewall.
Related to this (wish list): if a variety of server applications were feeding off the ldap database where does single sign on (for example shibbeloth or cosign) fit in the picture? The idea here is not that ebox runs all the web server applications (like egroupware, plone, drupal etc) but is the verification server for all of the web server apps.
Also is it possible to slip nginx in to use as a reverse proxy server?
Keep up the good work


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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2009, 06:48:27 pm »
I am using Ebox as a home file server, firewall and router for my internet connection. I have setup MPD on the same machine and it works great!

What I realy miss, is  the recycle bin option for the shares inside of Ebox. Every time I change the samba setup, I have to add it manually to my smb.conf file.
It is very simple, but if you have 15-20 shares and want to configure it by share... it is a pain in the ass.

Is it posible that you add that support to ebox?

The other thing I miss is the samba shares language selection. (I am polish)

Besides Ebox is a great piece of software !!! Keep going !!!


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Usage of eBox Platform
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2009, 09:00:12 pm »
Using Ebox on a multi-purpose home server.

Using Ebox for the gateway, firewall, fileserver, VPN (access to personal files at work :)) and webserver

Also using it as a Home Theatre system. For that i'm running Deluge bittorrent server, firefly DAAP server, and Moovida (on gnome)

Would like's for Ebox:
  • Do easy traffic shaping. Only have one internet connection, but I would like to be able to prioritize traffic (e.g. http before ftp before bittorrent etc.
  • FTP access to your Samba shares (using the same username/password)
  • Full webhosting management: manage hosting domains and related postgreSQL and MySQL db's and FTP accounts. Preferably manageable in the user corner after users have been set for webhosting management.
  • Expand office capabilities to be able to fully compete with Exchange, including MAPI protocol using OpenChange. Not sure how far Ebox is on this part, not really using these things yet

Oh and: Keep up the good work! This might just be what the industry needs to get GNU/Linux mainstream in business!