Zentyal Masters:
In the final step of joining a zentyal server as aditional DC of windows server 2008 an error comes up related with DNS module.
I think that for a reason unknow (for me) the DNS module of Zentyal is refusing the nsupdate command with the instructions inside the "hY8bKa7Etz" file in /var/lib/zentyal/tmp/
EBox::Samba::__ANON__- Joining to domain 'dominio.lan' as DC
EBox::Samba::__ANON__- Trying to contact 'winserver.dominio.lan'
EBox::Samba::__ANON__- Trying to get a kerberos tickect for principal '
EBox::Samba::__ANON__- Executing domain join
EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: dns
EBox::DNS::_launchNSupdate - Cannot contact with named, trying in posthook
EBox::Sudo::_rootError - root command nsupdate -l -t 10 /var/lib/zentyal/tmp/hY8bKa7Etz failed
Error output: ; Communication with server failed: timed out
And off course the module File Sharing won't start. But the zentyal did register in windows as an additional dc because i see him inside Domain Controllers OU in Active Directory, please if someone had resolved this problem or it understand better, a little help will be extrawelcome