Author Topic: Basic File Sharing Setup Help  (Read 1634 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Basic File Sharing Setup Help
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:00:52 pm »
I'm finding I know less of this than I thought - not the realization I was hoping for. So, Can some of you all help me dig myself out?

I installed Zentyal 3.0.10 and installed the modules I thought I'd need (later finding I don't need half of them, but oh well). I'm scaling back what this server will do for me to just a simple file server. Eventually I want to set it up as a domain controller and maybe later a gateway. For now, just a file server. I'm now being told I can't enable file sharing because Samba cannot start due to are having no IP and Domain configured. That seems odd to me, especially since the instructions at say I shouldn't need that.

I'm sure I probably did something wrong further upstream. Could someone please shed some light? Even better would be a link to a good tutorial. My main goal is to back up my other machines (Mac OS, Windows 7/8, Ubuntu) to this machine. Then, later on, I'd like to run it as a domain controller and possibly some other uses.


Sam Graf

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Re: Basic File Sharing Setup Help
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 01:38:06 am »
I'm not aware of a file sharing only tutorial for 3.0, so let's see if we can navigate the proper setup here.

If we begin with the basics, you must have at least one network card on the server, and that has to have an IP address--that is, it has to be a configured network card. Its address can be a static address (assigned within Zentyal or by a DHCP server on your network) or it can be a dynamically allocated address (issued by a DHCP server on your network), but it must have one. That's configured in Network > Interfaces (I think--working from memory).

Because of Zentyal 3.0's use of Samba 4, I would at least leave the default settings on the general settings tab of the file sharing module, even if the server will be used only for file sharing. I'm not reading the manual page the same as you, but in any case, I think Zentyal will need some values in those fields, and the defaults are a good place to start.

This is a major change from Zentyal 2.2 so it will take some getting used to. There really is no file sharing only configuration for Zentyal 3.0 as far as I know. Zentyal will want to be a domain controller as well, though you should be able to simply ignore that service on your network.


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Basic File Sharing Setup Help
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 06:07:15 pm »
I'll give that a run. Think I'll start from scratch and see what happens. If I'm not mistaken, I can use it as a domain server and if it's behind the router (same as any client) if it fails my machines will still get to the Internet, just not the domain, right?

Sam Graf

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Re: Basic File Sharing Setup Help
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 09:12:48 pm »
If I'm following your question right, I think the fact the the server will be a domain server won't matter if you aren't trying to attach a client to the domain.

For example, a lot of my 3.0 testing is done using a Windows 7 Starter netbook (for my convenience). Windows 7 Starter can't join a domain, but that doesn't prevent me from accessing shares.