Author Topic: firewall 5 ip fixed problem  (Read 1205 times)


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firewall 5 ip fixed problem
« on: November 14, 2012, 10:16:59 pm »
Good night all,

I have a line of Internet symmetrical 10MB and I'm trying to configure zentyal, but does not finish work for me. I told the operator that redirects all traffic to the firewall zentyal, and told me I have to do nat and the firewall. I performed the tasks of configuring the WAN interface is saying, adding virtual ips on that interface, but can not get off the exit traffic.
I have my GW well, I have everything set up fine but something goes wrong and I do not know what is.

Can you help?

A friend brought a mikrotik router and it worked fine, the only thing that has made me more is that when you go to do masquerading traffic. It annoys me, I work with zentyal.

By the way where zentyal saved iptables rules? Could you add some rules manually?

Thanks for everything.