I would like to attend any community member on the option to get free accommodation during the Zentyal Summit 4-5 October in Zaragoza, Spain.
We managed to find several volunteers to offer accommodation for us!. This offer is valid until Sunday 16 September 2012 24.00h CET.
What do you have to do:
- Register using the
online form to attend the Zentyal Summit.
- Send a mail to
info@zentyal.com where you state you applied using the online form, and you mention your forum username and that you want to make use of the community accommodation in that mail a
The amount of accommodation is not infinite so in case of more applicants than accommodation, we follow the following way of giving away accommodation:
first: Community speakers.
second: Members of the Zentyal Community Council
third: other members.
We will use the first come, first serve rule.
If you are still in doubt to attend the summit or not, this should convince you to come over! We all hope for a large community representation!
Unnecessary to say that the
Summit program is more than interesting! (not to mention it is a real punishment to eat those original Spanish Tapas and drink local wine