Author Topic: Help with DNS requirements to get email and other services running on my domain.  (Read 3356 times)


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Hello all and thanks for your help,

     I have my domain - "",  I want my eBox server to be my Gateway system at home and for the home to have the domain "", with ebox being the only exposed IP and serving as the DNS relay for internal systems.  I want the ebox server will have the FDN of "".  My major problem is that the "" does not exist in the public DNS space.

My external IP is Provided via DHCP and has changed several times this last month.... go figure, so I'll be needing a Dynamic DNS program to update the records at the public DNS servers, as well as the reverse lookup record for my server.

What do I have to have the domain registrar enter into the public IP space?
     I think that I'll need 4 records entered, SOA for "", PTR and A record for "" and a MX record to have all mail for "" sent to "".

Is this sufficient?  Help and advice requested....
HOWTO's really appreciated.
Jeffrey D. Pound, Sr.
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have a look at

you can install clients to update your dns in Ubuntu, see here for info

dyndns and any other provider will give you a dns name such as

you then have to adjust your dns accordingly -

hope this helps

my opinions and suggestion expressed on this forum are my own as a user.
please note that i am not part of the Zentyal Development Team - supporting open-source Business Intelligence in Europe


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In addition to this, eBox next 1.1.0 (alpha1) will have support for DynDNS service for several well known-services like  ::)

Best regards,
My secret is my silence...


  • Zen Warrior
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have a look at

you can install clients to update your dns in Ubuntu, see here for info

dyndns and any other provider will give you a dns name such as

you then have to adjust your dns accordingly -

hope this helps


Nicolas,  Thank you for taking the the time to post this reply.  Unfortunatly I was asking a question that you did not answer, so while it may help someone else, I am still in need of help.

Can someone please see POST 1 in thread and provide a detailed and thorugh answer?  I promise to provide credit for the effort in any HOWTO that I write as a by product of this effort.

My fustration in getting this wonderful product setup and working is convensing me that what is needed MOST, before anymore enhansments is a good through HOWTO, that allows someone with limited to no background in computers setup a fairly full functioning eBOX with everything working properly... not just how to setup the product but what has to be done outside of hte product to get it working....

Jeffrey D. Pound, Sr.
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In addition to this, eBox next 1.1.0 (alpha1) will have support for DynDNS service for several well known-services like  ::)

Best regards,

Sixstone,  Thanks for that information.

I just hope that they take the time to write up the directions in such a way that a new user with limited computer background could take that information, purchase a domain, and get it working on his/her ebox effectivly, to include a working e-mail server, with filtering and all the other good stuff here.  Writing directions on the setup / configuration of the  the ebox software is wonderfull and needed, but so is this other part.  My biggest furstrating in making the move to a non-windows world is the amount of informaton that is left out of HOWTO's and directions...  telling an olimpic level ice sakter to do a double toe loop followed by a death spiral is sufficent for them to get the picture and fill in the blanks, telling the same thing to a 6 year old skater his/her first day on skates is talking gibberish, he/she has no context in which to understand what is being said...  Sorry all for letting my fustration out my fingers....

PS I just noticed that my spell checker is not working, and I am sure that there are misspellings above,  for that I am sorry.
Jeffrey D. Pound, Sr.
Still learning, hope to never stop!

Sam Graf

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I'm personally sympathetic with various kinds of frustration by those who, like me, would like to implement the strengths of the Linux world in general and the Ubuntu world in particular but are finding the road to success long and complicated. As someone who has supported open source software for years, I can also appreciate some of the problems in bringing a product to market and in supporting it. And when an organization hopes to sell support services for revenue, that complicates things even more when it comes to support and documentation.

On the plus side, thanks to eBox I am able to do things with Ubuntu Server that I'm certain I would still be working out (or, more likely, have given up on) if left to my command line skills and server configuration knowledge. I still have a lot to learn, of course -- I doubt I have even a clear idea of how much I have yet to learn --, but I've found that by combining the help from various Linux and Ubuntu resources with my growing knowledge of eBox from the various resources available here (plus my experience in the school of hard knocks), I'm actually making progress.

What I wish for most is better explanations of Linux technical matters. For example, even if i can accept that persistent "mapping" of a remote resource to a local resource requires a lengthy terminal session, I would still like to know why it works the way it does. A little "why" information can go a long way to knowing "how" to do something in the future.

I feel certain that if I had a better idea why a Linux box works as it does, the differences between Linux and Windows would be less important. Linux file systems are great mysteries to me, for example, and it's not even because I've worked with Windows only. My first computers were a TRS-80 Model 1 and an Atari 800XL, and nothing from those days to the present has prepared me for the obscure world of Linux.

So just how much eBox as a product and the community surrounding it can help me with specific implementations is not clear to me. I want very much to do some things with Ubuntu server I haven't yet sorted out how to do, at least not completely, but they aren't eBox issues as such. For example, why does Squid seem to bail on some web pages with the peer reset error? People talk about the specific error in several places on the Web, but it's hard to get concrete solutions. I can't give my boss a vague response like "Sometimes the error seems to correct itself (no one knows the causes or the solutions), so that criminal records check will just have to wait until Squid is happy again." If the Linux server world is really that complex, to the point where the web is full of inconclusive help, I'm not sure that eBox and its community can do me better (though in some ways they already have).

« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 08:05:48 pm by Sam Graf »


  • Zen Warrior
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You know, a funny happened on the way to this post, I remembered why I was doing this project again, => to learn something new and fun  => the big "why". 

     I did systems level programing back during my masters and at that time I could have described the in memory and on disk I-Node structure, byte by byte, of the Irix Unix file systems we were being taught.  Heck  I remember programing all kinds of system services,  I managed the DNS for the research center I worked at, and did some real-time programing, data acquisition, hardware data acquisition design and modification, I was having tons of fun.... and did not know it.

    Then I got promoted into management.  and now a few years latter I'm crying over something I don't know how to do, on a personal project I started because I wanted to learn something new....  go laugh!

Guys please forgive my out burst, and as the guy above says give me the why's, and I'll go and learn the how's....  back to the study of Perl and Mason....
Jeffrey D. Pound, Sr.
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I've just found a howto to get email working with eBox here [1]

I hope this helps you!

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lets have another try;

say you own domain MYBIGGY.NET and you have it hosted on IP NUMBER

dns server on the internet will normally have the following information:

mail - cname - MYBIGGY.NET
www - cname - MYBIGGY.NET

MX records:
mail - priority 0 (ZERO)

all this is saying that, all requests for the following domain/subdomain names:

will be redirected to

all this has to be done with the company with whom you have registered your DNS.  it is outside Ebox.

Once you have updated your external DNS, browsers will be able to find your website.
likeways, emails address to MYBIGGY.NET will be able to arrive at MYBIGGY.NET as described on your MX records.

in Ebox, you will have to setup the email server to accept emails by
clicking on 'Mail' > 'Virtual Mail Domain' and enter your domain 'MYBIGGY.NET'

this should also create a DNS entry in Ebox.

preparing to accept your emails from the web

click on Mail > General
and tick the following two to allow users to collect their emails securily
TLS for SMTP server   
Require authentication

click on 'change'

choose the way you want to publish your email to users IMAP or POP (you can find out more on the web); i suggest IMAP

click on 'change'

configuring mail filter

click on 'Mail Filter'
this will filter your message for Junk/Spam.

click on:
'enabled' (to enable filtering)
'anti-virus enabled'
'anti-spam enabled'
leave the service port with its default value 1024
click 'change'

click on tab 'SMTP filter policy'
choose what you want to allow, deny and bounce - be careful as some users might complain later of not receiving their messages (happened with me)

click 'change' when finished

click on tab 'virtual domain configuration'
click 'add new'
in domain choose your domain name: MYBIGGY.NET

click on
Use virus filtering
Use spam filtering

for spam threshold - leave the default, and later you can change it if much spam passes through to your email users

click on ham and spam accounts (read the description for info)

click on 'change'

configuring mail server to use mail filter

click on Mail, and click on tab 'mail filter options'
on 'filter in use' choose 'Ebox internal mail filter'
click on 'change'

now create some users on your system by clicking 'users' > 'add user'
fill in details and click 'create'
following you have the option of adding an email account for this user under 'Create mail account'
by entering a username '@' MYBIGGY.NET

you can also enter aliases for this account (i always create and

create as many accounts as you need.

DNS for internal users

click on DNS

you should find an entry for your domain here - if not create it.
assuming it is correctly there.
click on 'edit' (the little pencil symbol to the right most)
under IP Address - enter the IP for which your Ebox server is connectible from other computer within your internal network (this is NOT your external IP used earlier).

if you are not sure click on 'network' > 'interfaces' and copy the IP Address of your INTERNAL network interface (NOT ticked as external);

click 'change'

then click on 'hostnames edit' (paper and pencil symbol under HOSTNAMES)

in here you should have the same number of entries as you have on your external DNS.
from our earlier example

you should 'add new'
value of hostname is 'www'
value of IP Address is your internal IP Address used earlier

click 'add'

since mail has the same IP Address as www, we create an alias of www.
for www click on alias (pencil and paper symbol under alias)
click on 'add new', and enter value of 'mail'

we now enter the MX record for the domain by
clicking on 'DNS' > for MYBIGGY.NET domail click 'Mail Exchanger Record Edit' (pencil and paper symbol under Mail Exchanger Record)
on HostName select 'owner domail' and 'Mail' (means mail.MYBIGGY.NET)
for preference leave the default
click 'add'

it is ALMOST done.
we now enable the modules:
Mail Filter

an their dependencies (i am assuming you have an Ebox configured)

And Save your changes.

you can now connect to your Email server by using mail.MYBIGGY.NET as the email server from the internet and intranet.

Hope this helps.

my opinions and suggestion expressed on this forum are my own as a user.
please note that i am not part of the Zentyal Development Team - supporting open-source Business Intelligence in Europe


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Thanks very nicolas for your HOWTO, it is quite interesting and simple.
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  • Zen Warrior
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I've just found a howto to get email working with eBox here [1]

I hope this helps you!

Thanks SixStone!
Jeffrey D. Pound, Sr.
Still learning, hope to never stop!


  • Zen Warrior
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Nicolasdiogo,  WoW! Nicolas that is wonderful.  Thank you very very much!
Jeffrey D. Pound, Sr.
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if you find this helpful.

could you please post some notes on what portions need improving?
and let us know if you have managed to setup your email?

thanks folks,

my opinions and suggestion expressed on this forum are my own as a user.
please note that i am not part of the Zentyal Development Team - supporting open-source Business Intelligence in Europe


  • Zen Warrior
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   I'm going to work on the server again, after I do some more research on a couple of topics, but I promise very through comments.
PS please give me at least two weeks.
Jeffrey D. Pound, Sr.
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  • Zen Apprentice
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This is only partly related, but when I try to setup my ebox server for email, i have all my MX records & such already done, but whenever I try to set my IP address static, I lose ALL domain name resolution, can send, can't apt-get, no in/out connections are working. The only communication working is to ping the router for my network.

What is heppening when I set static IP?, I check & see that valid DNS servers are still there, and I tried with/without the routing being set.

Very inconvenient if I can't set static IP for a server.

PS I did STF for "static IP" and did not find a solution