Author Topic: Last chance for summit talk proposals. Submit ends Friday 24 Aug 24.00h  (Read 5240 times)


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Friday, August 24 the deadline to submit a presentation for the 2012 Zentyal Summit closes. Now you might think: Presentation? ME?
YES! Precisely, YOU! The community members are invited to give a presentation at the Community trac on Friday, October 5.
Perhaps you think? Zaragoza? This is in Spain!
YES! And it is great! In less than 2 hours you fly to Zaragoza and you can then enjoy the beautiful weather, delicious Tapas and an unforgettable experience with Zentyal crew and all other community members.

For each speaker we try to arrange bed and breakfast so that the costs are limited.

What could you speak about? For example your experiences with Zentyal. Or a part of Zentyal with tips for optimization. Integration of external applications, your role in the community. etc.. etc..
There are many topics to come up.

What should you do to register for a talk:
Send BEFORE August 24 24:00h a presentation to A word / writer / pdf template can be found on the Call for Talks website. If you do not want or can give presentations, you obviously are still very welcome at the summit.

You can sign up for the summit via the online registratieform.

If you have any questions, please do so quickly. You can contact me ( or Heidi Vilppola ( for questions
You can find me on IRC as 'khildin':
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 03:55:27 pm by robb »