Author Topic: Frequent Timeouts  (Read 1337 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Frequent Timeouts
« on: July 25, 2012, 02:12:41 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I have set up a Zentyal Server which has two filter profiles. Default and Filter. Default has always allow policy (full internet access) while filter has filter policy (can visit only limited websites). In addition I have created two object policies default and filter which uses the above mentioned filter profiles. The problem i am having is that the client pc's which have full internet access always timeout after a period of 30 minutes and access to zentyal server and the internet is blocked for about two minutes. Then after that period access to zentyal and internet resumes. After the timeout issue when i  check the firewall logs i can see that the pc's which have full internet access were being blocked. This happens frequently everyday. Can someone please advice me how to sort the timeout/block issue. Thanks!